Thursday 15 March 2012

Dear Samantha,

Tell you something awesome! I've bought myself a new camera!!!!! You have no idea, I have been longing to get a new camera, which literally chosen by myself for so long. Well, you'll probably wondering that where did I get those money from?

I always have a budget. I count and save to buy something that I want, all the time and I suppose that I am quite good in managing money. However, I didn't save for this.

V and I are planning to travel during our Easter break in April. I wish I could have a fantastic camera to take amazing pictures during travel. Yet, saving 50pounds every week won't take me anywhere because this camera is just so expensive. No, to be precise, cheap for my brothers but expensive for student like me.
V 和我计划着这个四月的复活节到国外履行,放松一下。所以我真的很想要有一台不错的相机,出门的时候拍很多既漂亮又高清的相片。但是如果照我的计划,每个星期存50镑,到我毕业了我应该都还没有买到相机,因为它真是姑奶奶的贵。对别人我不知道,但是对学生来讲,算是蛮贵的。

Therefore, I've applied for loan. Not from HSBC but my dad. I told my father that I do like to use his unlimited credit card to buy a new camera with some conditions. I proposed to him that I will save from my pocket money monthly and pay him back. He kept telling me that the plan is just too ridiculous and I am being insane. I swear, my dad is just the cutest person I've ever know cause he will never say no to me. However, I really don't like to take advantage from his kindness.
所以呢,我申请了贷款。放心啦,不是跟大耳聋借也不是跟 HSBC 借!我现在的债主是我爹,益隆兄!我跟老爸说我想先借用他的无上限白金卡买相机,等我旅游回来就慢慢存钱还给他。我爸听了我的建议,一口豪迈的就说:‘要买就买吧,还什么东西!’我一直坚持要还钱他就说两父女没什么好还不还的。。我就说,我爸就是个甜果子,从来不会说一声不字。但虽然如此,我不会利用他的善心,还是坚持要存钱还他。

The reason why I insisted my father to accept the money is not because we care about money. It's the attitude. The problem is that, I don't think that I deserve it. I never really ask my parents to buy me something expensive unless I think that I deserve it. So as this time. I didn't scored As from all my modules, I didn't do something great to deserve a free present. I never believe that there's something free in this world and I don't want myself to get something free randomly.

My parents normally don't limit my spending. I can always spend money without second thoughts before. But now, I think that I've grown up. I followed my father to his working places during my free time and since then, I've changed. Those money that I am spending is not from nowhere but through those hard works of my father. After that, I always try  to limit myself or at least know what I am spending for... I won't say that I don't simple spend money now but at least I am more conscious of what I'm spending. And I do SAVE money for things that I wan't now, something which I never thought before~

So now, I am officially having mortgage to pay and mortgagee will be my dad~ Hah! But thanks god, after doing so many research and more research, the camera is just so cool and best!!!!!! I swear, I am in love~


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