Wednesday 7 March 2012


Dear Samantha,


I didn't ignore you in purpose, I swear. It's just that there're too many things to do!!

Well, I'm gonna update what I've done recently in once. It's 4am here in England, so prepare yourself, I'm gonna do it B.R.I.E.F.L.Y.

There are 3 things that I normally do these days:

1. Sport like an athlete 像运动健将一样的运动着
2. Study like a nurd 像书呆子一样的读书
3. Meeting friends more often 增加了与好朋友见面的时间

For students in UK, here's my advice: If you want to get some sport outfits, good quality and extremely cheap price, go sports direct!
给在英国同学们的建议:如果想要购买品质好而且价格超便宜的运动服,请到 Sports Direct,绝对不会让你失望的一个商店!

I've got my super thick hoodies with 10pounds each and 5pounds for shorts in great qualities!

I've finally save my money to join the gym club since in the end of last month. It is 65pounds for three months. The facilities in the sport centre are fantastic! They provide varieties of sport equipments and they are all new and clean! I have to say, I am very pleasant with the service~

Also, I was very lucky to get a free personal trainer from the sport centre, which means that I am now having a personal trainer to train my body.
再加上最近我很幸运的被中心选上,得到了免费3个月的私人健身教练。普通请一小时的健身教练是 20镑!!这样一来,我至少能省下400镑的费用,多棒啊!!!

My goal is to get slimmer and get more muscle. In order to achieve that, my personal and I have a plan. Firstly, no more skipped breakfast! I am trying to wake up earlier and make sure I have my breakfast before my lectures. 

So, I'm basically running for minimum 5km, cycle for 5km, exercising my inner and outer part of tights for 25kg in 300 times each part, 5kg weight lifting for hand muscles for 50 times each hand...
我每天的运动量如下:跑步5公里,骑脚车5公里,大腿内侧训练 25公斤 300下,大腿外侧训练 25公斤 300下,手举哑铃 5公斤 一边手 50下。已经维持了两个星期,暂时已经看到一点点的成果了~

Study, thing that I normally do the most. I am having 7 coursework for this term, done 2 and there's another 5 waiting for me.. Yeah I know, Good luck is the only thing I can tell myself.
再来是最常做的事情-读书。这学期有 7篇 3000字的论文要交。目前已经解决了 2课,还有 5科在前面等这老娘。。除了祝我好运,其他真的没什么好说的了。。

Something fun- so, I was doing my Law of Torts coursework last week and it was nearly finished. However, for somehow, I thought that I lost all my work when I was trying to re-read it again. I got shocked and my brain was totally blanked! The only thing I did was to text Vanessa and told her about the ridiculous incident. Normally people would start crying or swearing for this type of thing but strangely, I can't feel anything and I can barely moved!
最近其中意见乌龙事:我写完的3000字论文不知道为什么腾空不见了,怎么找也找不到。我当时头脑一篇空白,整个身体软软的,唯一想到能做的事情就是信息Vanessa告诉他这有多荒唐。结果Vanessa 和 Lola 就各别买了我最爱的饮料给我,试图想安慰我。。

As my sweetheart, V and Lola had bought me two drinks that I LOVE, just to make me calm. Unfortunate for them but fortunate for me, that I've finally found my documents after that... And yeah, I've actually earned those drink... 

Aren't my friend the best in the world?!!

I've been putting effort to meet my best friends more often. It's quite creepy cause one of them is actually living next to my room and another is just living in the 4th floor, yet I sounds like we are living in different countries! I hate to say that but I have to admit, I tend to stay in room and I used to text Vanessa instead of going to her room which is 2 steps away from my room door. It is awful, believe me. The reason I texted her is that because once we start talking, we will NEVER stop! And the funniest part is that we can talk about everything you can think of, everything!

So yea, this is my life recently and I am trying to do something fun.. I am having 2 great plans for myself, and I will only tell after I made it realise. So be patient and guess what's my plan!


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